Roger “Steve” Stephens

It is with immense sadness that we announce the death of the founder of RSA, Roger “Steve” Stephens, father of our Chairman, Nick Stephens. He leaves behind him his loving wife of 58 years Edna, and a legacy of positive impact on the world that each of us at RSA will strive to continue.
Steve’s visionary mindset and drive to do things differently led him to launch Roger Stephens & Associates (known as The RSA Group since 2000) in 1981. He created and built a legacy at RSA that sits at the heart of all we do, “do unto others as you would have done to you”, and from this built an unbreakable foundation of a culture that cares. Most people describe RSA as “professional and friendly”, a reflection of our founder and one that will be part of who we are forever.
Steve lives on in the memories of the thousands of lives he touched. we ask those of you who knew him to remember him well.
If you would like to read a little more about Steve and his founding of RSA, please click here.